There were 113 entries to the competition, many from local people as well as poets from all over Britain, with
some coming from overseas.
The competition was strong, with some really fine examples of contemporary poetry, which made the judge's task
even harder. However we did manage to settle on the final eight as listed below. The envelopes containing the poet's details
for the eight selected poems were opened in the library in public on Friday 20th February.
The 8 competition poems that have been selected to be permanently installed on the Polesworth Poets Trail are:
Devil -
by Garrie Fletcher
Famous men
- by Helen Yendall
- by Penny Harper
Memories of Pooley Mine - by Raymond Hendy
Song 13 -
by Jon Morley
- by Janine Warre
Polesworth Pact
- by Sarah Armstrong
- by Gill Learner
All the poets have been notified.
These will be added to the two specially commissioned poems to make ten in total.
Additional Poems.
There are a further 12 poems that were deemed to be worthy of being highly commended, these will be made available
in Polesworth library for local people to selected their favourite. Whilst we cannot offer a prize for the chosen poem in
this category, it is proposed to display the chosen poem in the library as a temporary installation.
As this is to go to a public vote the pseudonyms have been maintained until the vote is complete.
The 12 highly commended poems are:
- By Lucy Carvel
Great Grandfather
- By Ruth Roots
Church Walk
- By Susan
October Sensory Garden - By Lizzie Perks
Global Warming - By Nick Watson
Great Stone Fireplace -
By Snowgoose
The Abbey Trees
- By Nick Watson
- By Rosemary Barrington
Tribute - By Goldfinch
Unrippled -
By Pebbles
- By Laukatana
- By William