Polesworth Poets Trail

Latest News
Project Page
THE FIZZ - Live Poetry
Proposed Route Map
Events and Workshops
Past Events
Competition - Call for Submissions
Links to other Polesworth Pages
Our Project Sponsors
Contact Us
Images of Polesworth

Welcome graphic


An exciting new project is taking place in Polesworth, North Warwickshire. Building on Poetic and Literary traditions we have secured funding to build a poetry trail through the village. The trail will use new poetry from both local and national poets commisioned through a competition to be launched in October 2008 

The poems will be displayed in a variety of forms from Street Sculptures to plaques which will be commisioned from local crafts people and artists. This a real creative opportunity for Poets and Artists to be part of a permanent celebration of Poetry.

These web pages will give you information on the project and provide links to websites that give you the history and traditions that have built up around Polesworth and shows that where the once greatest poets in the world met we still today have a thriving poetic practice.


Click on the pages references on the left hand column to navigate around.

On the PROJECTS page you will find more information on the project including a map of the route.
On the EVENTS page you will find information on Poetry workshops and performance evenings.
The POLESWORTH IMAGE GALLERY has photographs taken along the proposed route.
THE EVENTS GALLERY has photographs of the events that have already taken place.
THE CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS has details of how you can submit poems for consideration to be included on the trail.
THE LINKS page provides links to other Polesworth websites that will provide further information on the History and local services.
Our contact details can be found on the CONTACTS page.


From the Sensory Garden - Polesworth Abbey

Feedback, questions, ideas? Please Email ppst2008@yahoo.co.uk